It’s currently a Special Day - or at least the Eve of one, which in itself is sort of one - so I’m updating this because I feel I should despite not really having the mental energy to do so.
As I think has been the case for many years now, this time of jollitude and festive family fun has instead CAST A PALL OF DESPAIR UPON ME, alas, O woe, and I’ve got little done for the past week and a bit.
I keep waking up in the night due to the current state of my mind and life, and just generally feel run-down, miserable, blah blah blah.
Nothing new, though the poor, dark weather, infections going around, relatives visiting, and expectation that we all ‘should’ be feeling brighter, charitable, and connected exacerbates things a fair bit.
I’ll probably just spend the last dregs of the year looking back on how (poorly) I’ve spent it. Or actually, I feel fairly proud of some of the stuff that I’ve done; I’m just aware that a lot of it was stuff I wanted to do for myself rather than stuff I should have done to improve my life situation or give to others.
Anyway, maybe I’ll write another, longer post in the coming days, if I can muster the mental energy.
For now, I hope anyone reading this has at least some positive experiences over the coming days!!
Merry [Insert Special Day Here Of Choice Here]!